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Tips and Techniques: Column of Holes

Writer's picture: JaimeJaime

Last week's video was on how to create a column of holes, or a straight edge between holes and regular interlinking. I'm a little late on getting this blog post together, but better late then never I guess!

When working a straight edge between holes and regular interlinking it is important to keep in mind how holes work in sprang.

Holes cannot be opened on the next pattern row below an existing hole. They have to be created at a diagonal from the existing hole.

If you look at the image to the left, you can count how many holes are on each row. The top row has three holes, the next pattern row down has two holes.

This offset pattern of three holes and then two holes will effect how you initiate the change from regular interlinking to a pattern of holes.

Terms to know:

Pattern Row: the row that holes are opened and closed on. For my patterns this is the shift row (where you start with a pick 2 drop 1).

Pattern Abbreviations:

1/1: pick one back thread, drop one front thread

1/2: pick one back thread, drop two front threads

2/2: pick two back threads, drop two front threads

2/1: pick two back threads, drop one front thread

I am going to further separate the pattern rows into long rows and short rows. In my pattern my long rows have three holes and my short rows have two holes. I'll be giving the instructions for my pattern, you can substitute the number of holes for your own pattern.

A quick reminder that an area of holes is begun by working a 1/2 interlinking and ended with a 2/1 interlinking. For an area of three holes the interlinkings are thus: 1/2, 2/2, 2/2, 2/1. The holes form between each of these interlinkings.

Row 1: Shift row, work a row with three side by side holes.

Row 2: Basic row, no changes in design

Row 3: Shift row, this is a short row in the hole design. Work regular interlinkings until you have one front thread remaining before the first hole from the prior pattern row. Begin your holes at this point with a 1/2 interlinking, make two holes. The interlinkings for doing this are: 1/2, 2/2, 2/1. You can identify where you last hole should be placed in the same way as how you identified where the first hole should be placed. When there is one front thread left before the last hole from the previous row, work a 2/1 interlinking.

Row 4: Basic row, no changes in design

Row 5: Shift row, this is a long row in the design. Work regular interlinkings until there are three front threads left before the first hole from the prior pattern row. Begin your three holes with a 1/2, 2/2, 2/2 and 2/1. Last hole will be made when you have just completed a 2/2 interlinking that includes dropping the two front threads that are located on either side of the last hole from the prior pattern row.

Row 6: Basic row, no changes in design.

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